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Indigenous Events, Funding and Opportunities

Writer's picture: Qwuy'um'aat ElliottQwuy'um'aat Elliott

Language Revitalization Planning Program. (FPCC) Deadline January 25, 2021. The FPCC Language revitalization Planning Program (LRPP) provides up to $100,000 in funding, resources and coaching to First Nations communities in B.C. to develop plans for Indigenous language revitalization. Funding can be used for wages, honoraria, equipment, resource materials and more. This new program reflects learnings from communities who participated in a 2019 pilot project. The LRPP provides greater flexibility and increased funding to participants – more than ever before. It includes peer-to-peer sharing between program participants through virtual gatherings, resources, and one-on-one coaching support from FPCC. The program has four phases that reflect the different stages of language planning and allow for applicants to access funding and support based on their unique context.

Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program, BC - Covid-19 Resilience Infrastructure Stream. Deadline January 27, 2021. The Province of British Columbia and Canada have partnered to develop the COVID-19 Resilience Infrastructure Stream (CVRIS) as part of the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) in response to the effects of COVID-19 on communities across the province. CVRIS supports projects that: Provide retrofits, repairs and upgrades to local government and indigenous government buildings, health infrastructure and educational infrastructure, Support development of active transportation networks, Allow communities to improve their infrastructure to increase the resiliency and efficiency in preventing the spread of COVID-19 (including protective screens and ability to physically distance), Complete disaster mitigation and adaptation infrastructure projects.

Expanded Arts & Culture Resilience Supplement. Deadline January 29, 2021. Expanded Arts & Culture Resilience Supplement is a one-time funding program for B.C. arts and culture organizations facing financial impacts due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Indigenous Research Fund. Deadline January 31, 2021. To support access to the collections of the BC Archives for Indigenous peoples, the Friends of the British Columbia Archives (FBCA) has established the Indigenous Research Fund (IRF). The IRF is funded by the FBCA with support from the Royal BC Museum & Archives. The IRF is open to any individuals (youth, student, adult, elder) who self-identify as Indigenous (First Nations, Métis, Inuit) and organizations with a mandate to serve the interests of Indigenous peoples. The fund may be used for any/all of the following purposes: Travel to the BC Archives (including accommodation/meals), Hiring a researcher for work done at the BC Archives, Other costs associated with work done at the BC Archives as identified by the applicant. This fund is open only to Indigenous applicants/organizations. Up to $1,000 is available.

Arts Micro Grant. (FPCC). Deadline February 28, 2021. This program provides funding to enable artists and performers to take advantage of unexpected opportunities where artists would not be able to otherwise participate. For example, funding through this grant can be used to support an art show, travel or regalia for a performance. The grant allows artists and collectives to respond to new approaches, reduces barriers to opportunities and advances the artist’s skills, knowledge and professional development. Grant amounts are awarded up to $1,000.

Language Technology Program (FPCC). Deadline April 5, 2021. This program provides up to $180,000 in funding, technology and training to communities to support language revitalization using technology. This program combines the FirstVoices Program and Digitization Grants Initiative to offer funding and training to First Nations communities, governments, bands and tribal councils, and Indigenous organizations in B.C. Up to $80,000 is available for FirstVoices projects and up to $100,000 is available for digitization projects. Projects with smaller budgets are encouraged to apply. Projects must be implemented between July 2021 and June 2022.

Reclaiming My Language (FPCC). Deadline May 31, 2021. Reclaiming My Language: A Course For Silent Speakers is an Indigenous-developed program to support Silent Speakers to reclaim their language and begin speaking again.This program is based on a successful initiative developed in Norway and Sweden by and for the Indigenous Sami peoples. First Peoples’ Cultural Council adapted the program through pilots with First Nations communities in British Columbia. The course uses Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and supports silent speakers with tools and coaching to move forward in a good way and reclaim their language! FPCC staff will help you prepare your grant submission and offers ongoing support with this program. We provide course materials and workbooks and up to $25,000 so communities can deliver the program.

BC Arts Council Grant Programs. The BC Arts Council has MANY programs with intakes throughout the year. Please visit their website for more information:

Indigenous Climate Health Action Program (FNHA). ICHAP funds climate action projects that are community-driven and focus on health and wellness outcomes. Projects can have community, sub- regional or regional reach. These projects aim to strengthen First Nations climate leadership in BC. Projects can focus on climate health in general or on developing a strategy or action plan to reduce climate change impacts on community health. Some examples of focus areas include: Food Security and Food Sovereignty, Access to the Land, Mental Health, Traditional Medicine, Traditional Harvesting, Water Quality and Quantity. Applicants are encouraged to seek supplementary sources of funding, including in-kind or donations from community members or project partners. Up to $100,000 is available per year per project from ICHAP, but a higher amount can be considered for larger sub-regional partnerships. Funding is currently available for up to 18 months. The funded project components have to be completed by March 31, 2022. The FNHA's Environmental Public Health Services team is hosting upcoming Webinars, Indigenous Climate Health Action: How to Adapt, Plan and Inspire.

Canada Cultural Spaces Fund. No deadline on-going. The Canada Cultural Spaces Fund (CCSF) supports the improvement of physical conditions for arts, heritage, culture and creative innovation. The Fund supports renovation and construction projects, the acquisition of specialized equipment and feasibility studies related to cultural spaces. The CCSF annual grants and contributions budget is $54 million for the period 2018-2028.

Creating, Knowing and Sharing: The Arts and Cultures of First Nations, Inuit and Metis Peoples. Please refer to the Canada Council website for the programs that are currently open: Check out other available Canada Council grants and their deadlines:

National Creation Fund. No Deadline. The National Arts Centre’s National Creation Fund invests up to $3 million a year in the development of 15 to 20 compelling and ambitious new Canadian works in theatre, dance, music and inter-disciplinary performing arts. Fuelled entirely by donors, the Fund provides Canadian artists with the additional time, space and resources they need to create great work. The Fund invests in both new work, and in promising productions that need additional development after their initial run to produce stronger, more polished work that will be remounted and toured across Canada and around the world.

Aboriginal Community-Based Training Partnerships (ACBTP) and Indigenous Skills Training Development Fund (ISTDF). The Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills and Training (AEST) delivers two programs that provide funding to Indigenous communities (Communities) to access skills training and post-secondary education leading to employment, self-employment or further education. Please contact AEST staff to obtain more information on criteria and how to apply. By email: or by phone: Yavhel 250-216-4701; Delphine 250-516-3159 or Michael (236) 638-3507

Movable Cultural Property Grants. (Government of Canada). No Deadline. Movable Cultural Property Grants help designated organizations acquire cultural property of outstanding significance and national importance to Canada, as outlined in the Cultural Property Export and Import Act. Designated organizations are located in Canada and demonstrate the ability to ensure the long-term preservation of cultural property. Grants can be used to purchase cultural property: for which an export permit has been denied; or that is important to Canada’s national heritage and available for purchase outside the country.

Listen, Hear Our Voices (Library and Archives Canada) offers free services to help digitize and preserve Indigenous culture and language recordings. The initiative is open to Indigenous organizations, individuals, collectors and creators. Listen, Hear Our Voices is not an acquisition project. There is no transfer of ownership, copyright, or intellectual property with this service. All rights remain with you.

Mental Health & Wellness Funding. The First Nations Health Authority, the Province and Canada have each committed $10 million dollars over two years (2019-2021) to support First Nations communities and Nations to come together to plan, design and deliver initiatives in support of the social determinants of mental health and wellness. The funding approach recognizes that each community and Nation is at a different place on their journey to health and wellness. To learn more and how to apply, visit:

Elders Grants. Open Until Funds Exhausted. The New Relationship Trust (NRT) Elders Grant Initiative is available to all BC First Nation Elders groups at the community level. Priority will be given to Elders Groups. The maximum amount available is $2,500 per Elders group or First Nation/community/organization.

BC First Nation Youth Language Grant Initiative. Open until Funds Exhausted. The New Relationship Trust (NRT) recognizes the importance of revitalizing British Columbia (BC) First Nations languages and has identified Youth Language funding as a strategic priority. Preservation and restoration of First Nations languages is integral to cultural identity. NRT will begin to accept completed applications on June 15, 2020 until funds are exhausted. The maximum amount available is $4,000 per First Nations youth language projects.

Domestic Motion Picture Fund. Recently announced and will be administered by Creative BC. First phase will involve a thorough industry consultation Process. Please visit the website to learn more.

Online Connections During the Covid-19 Pandemic



Congratulations to Lou-ann Neel! Lou-ann Neel wins the Fulmer Award in First Nations Art.

Every Indigenous child deserves to grow up in their community⁠ – immersed in their culture and surrounded by their loved ones. That is why the Government of Canada worked with Indigenous partners to co-develop legislation to reform child and family services and reduce the number of Indigenous children in care, through the historic Act respecting First Nations, Inuit and Métis children, youth and families.

FPCC is excited to share their 2019/20 Year in Review. 2019/20 was an incredible year of growth with new programs, more training opportunities and production of three major events. We also delivered more funding than ever before. FPCC delivered over $15.7 million to First Nations communities and individuals across B.C. To see images and information celebrating this year, view our slideshow.

The 2020 FPCC Holiday Card Contest Top Finalists! The First Peoples’ Cultural Council would like to acknowledge and thank everyone who submitted their artwork for our 2020 Holiday Card Contest! We received such a variety of beautiful and unique artwork pieces submitted by Indigenous youth ages 5-12 years old from around B.C. Our top finalists have been selected! We are grateful to share the beautiful artwork that will be on the front of FPCC’s 2020 holiday card.

MNBC was successful in an application for funding from the Government of Canada and will receive $250,000 under the Indigenous Languages and Cultures Program, Indigenous Languages Component. The Indigenous Languages Component (formerly known as the Aboriginal Languages Initiative) supports the reclamation, revitalization, maintenance, and strengthening of Indigenous languages through community-driven activities.The project is in the early stages of consultation and development, but components may include: capacity building, language preservation and revitalization, community engagement, and cultural development. MNBC wants to hear from Citizens on their understanding of language endangerment, policy and planning for the revitalization of Michif and other Métis languages, and the type of projects that should be considered under this program. Under a strategic plan informed by the collective wisdom of our Citizens and a variety of specialists in language revitalization, projects may involve: developing community language training programs, digital and other, resources to increase Métis language use and proficiency, creating tools to share information, materials and resources among Métis languages groups, or documenting, archiving and mobilizing knowledge of Métis languages. Read the full announcement on the MNBC website:

Creating Interactive Exhibits and Programming with Makey Makey and Scratch. (BCMA). Workshop Series starting January 21, 2021.


Room Magazine. Submissions are OPEN for Issue 44.3 of Indigenous Brilliance. Deadline January 31, 2021. We invite unpublished writing to our new issue of Indigenous Brilliance. 44.3 encourages writing, visual art, as well as diverse non-literary art forms to be submitted.

University of Victoria. Indigenous Education Fall 2020 Newsletter. SḰEL,ḰEL.

Federal Indigenous Languages Act: December 8, 2020 Update

The appointment opportunity for the first Indigenous Languages Commissioner and Directors has now been posted. The implementation of the Indigenous Languages Act, an act supporting the efforts of Indigenous Peoples to reclaim, revitalize, maintain and strengthen Indigenous languages, is a priority for the Government of Canada. The Honourable Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Canadian Heritage, announced today that the Notice of Appointment Opportunity, which solicits applications to fill the positions of (1) Commissioner and (up to 3) Directors of Indigenous Languages, has been posted on the Governor in Council Appointments website.

The Commissioner and the Directors will work with Indigenous Peoples and their respective governments; other governing bodies, communities and organizations; the governments of Canada and the provinces and territories; and all Canadians to support the self-determined work of Indigenous peoples in reclaiming, revitalizing, maintaining and strengthening First Nations, Inuit and Métis languages.

The Commissioner, who will be supported by up to three Directors, will act as a champion for Indigenous languages by leading the independent Office of the Commissioner of Indigenous Languages.

To fulfill this role, qualified candidates must have the knowledge and understanding of Indigenous communities, cultures and the languages and dialects associated with them, including an understanding of language vitality and endangerment. Candidates should also have experience in a senior leadership role in the private, public or not-for-profit sector. A detailed description of education, experience, knowledge, skills and abilities required for the positions is provided in the Notice.

The Government of Canada is committed to an open, transparent, and merit-based selection process. A modified selection committee which includes First Nations, Inuit and Métis Nation representatives has been established to review applications and recommend candidates for appointment based on the key responsibilities of the Commissioner and Directors as stated in the Act, and to ensure the selection of the Commissioner and Directors is directly informed by Indigenous perspectives.

The Notice reflects what we heard through not only the most recent consultations but also what we heard during the engagement on the development of the Act. It also reflects ongoing work with our Indigenous partners. Qualified candidates are encouraged to submit their applications. Apply now! By January 11, 2021.


  • COVID-19 Success Stories: FPCC is sharing creative ways communities and individuals are changing their projects during COVID-19. Check out this new series:

  • Virtual & at Home Language Revitalization Program Ideas. A new resource from FPCC. During this time, the health and safety of all FPCC program participants, especially our Elders, is important to us. FPCC understands that programs need to be adjusted during this pandemic and we developed this resource to help you modify your program and keep your community safe. This guide provides program ideas and practices to safely continue language revitalization work during the COVID-19 pandemic. Virtual & at Home Language Revitalization Program Ideas includes:

    • Ways to connect with Elders and the community through technology.

    • How to take an inventory of existing audio and video archives.

    • Ways to digitize audio, video, and print materials in your language.

    • How to create new materials to support language learners, such as exercises, lessons and games.

    • Ways to stay connected with your community through social media.

    • How to start a new language revitalization project in your community.

  • FPCC has a new language revitalization resource called Check Before You Tech! This guide provides information for communities and language champions to use when choosing to build or purchase language apps and software. There is a growing selection of exciting new technology tools that can support language learning and teaching efforts. They include language apps, online dictionaries, and immersive or virtual reality games. It can be hard to know how to select the right technology for your language work, or what questions you should ask before purchasing a tool. This guide is a practical checklist that will help communities make informed decisions before purchasing or developing language software.

  • Now available in Spanish:

  • Key Themes in Indigenous Cultural Heritage. In 2019, CCUNESCO asked a few Indigenous cultural heritage specialists to create a series of papers on their work to highlight a few key themes in Indigenous cultural heritage: museums, repatriation, and intangible cultural heritage. Culture is a key element found in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). It underscores the rights of Indigenous peoples to their languages, cultural heritage, traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions, including past, present and future manifestations of their cultures. Want to know more about how Indigenous cultural heritage is being practiced and safeguarded across Canada? Have a look at these papers to find out:

  • Indigenous Music & Dance Research Guide (UBC): This Research Guide provides strategies and information for researchers searching for Indigenous artists, dance and music performances. It provides resources like books to begin research from, search terms, music and dance videos, current news, ways to find Indigenous artists on websites like Youtube, and a list of local BC artists to add to your music playlists.

  • Aboriginal Languages Research Guide (UBC): This research guide provides strategies for finding information about Aboriginal languages, including: Specific languages or language families, Curriculum materials, Language learning materials produced by Aboriginal communities, Language revitalization.

  • Language for Life: Nourishing Indigenous Languages in the Home. The First Peoples’ Cultural Council has released this new handbook. The purpose of this handbook is to help families bring their language into their home on an everyday basis. Speaking your language in the home benefits children and families as it restores connections to identity and culture. The free, practical handbook offers fun tools and activities to guide families as they begin to learn their language together and help younger generations build a stronger connection to their culture.

  • Indigitization Program Videos: You can now watch our Indigitization Futures Forum videos broken down by speaker - so now you only need about fifteen minutes to learn more about digitization and language preservation.

  • NEȾOLṈEW̱ Indigenous Language Learning Atlas. NILLA provides an online space for Indigenous communities, advocates, researchers, and allies to engage and exchange knowledge, and to share their own and learn about others’ successful language learning strategies within Canada.

  • Languagegeek. Languagegeek provides free fonts and free keyboard layouts which try to cover all of the characters (alphabetical letters/Syllabics) necessary for writing Native languages. Language geek is a partner of FirstVoices.




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©2023 by Ever Plan Consulting 
Ever Plan Ltd. acknowledges the ancestral and unceded territories of the Hul'qumi'num speaking peoples, operating on  Quw'utsun Tumuhw (Cowichan Tribes Lands)

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